Monday, and my new To-Do list seems longer than ever. Phone calls to make, people to visit, sermon to prepare, meetings to attend, Bible studies to prepare and give. And I know that no matter how long or how hard I work, I will never come to the end of that list because there will always be more to do than I can possible fit into the week.
This is why people (even me) need to schedule time for the things that really matter: God, family and self-care. In the western world, we tend to measure ourselves by how much we ACCOMPLISH rather than how much we ARE as human beings.
Sadly, many wake up to find life has passes them by while they were busy working 24x7.
Scripture tells us that Christ came that we might have life and have it more abundantly.
I think I'll rewrite my To-Do list for this week. Right near the top I'll have: quiet time with God, long walks with the dogs, read a good book (that's just for fun), make funny smiles at children. Then I'll add back in everything already on the list.
By the end of the week life in Christ will look like a lot more fun and a lot more abundance.
Lord, help me to live fully in your presence instead of working myself to death. Amen
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