Friday, February 22, 2013

The Kindness of Snow Blowers

          It snowed last night and this morning I cranked up the snow blower and blew out my driveway and then a path for the letter carrier.  Since I had some more time and the snow was light, I walked across the street and blew out two more driveways and the sidewalks for my neighbors.

          As I was cleaning the blower off and putting it away, I wondered for just a moment if they would ever thank me... and then I realized whether they did or not didn't matter. 

          What I did was a kindness to them that had cost me only a little time, money  and effort.. and this morning I had some of each.

          Next, of course I wondered whether I would do it again – if I had less time or if the snow was heavier and more difficult to move with my little snow blower.  Would I be as kind if the next time if it was less convenient?

          I don't know, but in a few days it will snow again and I'll have a chance to find out.

          What I do know is that our wonderful God is busy dispensing kindnesses every day.  Our Lord is never too busy, the work is never too hard and there is always plenty of time.

          … and I think that often we forget to thank God for the gracious mercy he has shown.  Perhaps we're too busy.  Perhaps we're too concerned with other things to notice.  Perhaps we think God owes it to us.  I hope not.

          So far today the neighbors have gotten into their cars and driven away to work and so far there have been no knocks on the door with words of appreciation.  It still doesn't matter.  It's a kindness from God and me to neighbors who may need a little kindness in their lives and no words of thanks are necessary.

          But I hope that tonight when I head to bed, I'll remember to thank God for my little snow blower and the good works it can do and while I'm at it I hope I give thanks for lots of other things, too.

          Easter is coming and the long Easter weekend will begin with the cross on which Jesus gave everything. Let's all remember to give thanks.

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